An ancient Chinese poet wrote: “Trees are useful friends to me and they fulfill my wish for conversations with the wise”. Ancient counsel may seem counterintuitive to modern life, but those simple truths continue to withstand the tests of time. The gentle wind moving over the mountain, ruffling the leaves of a tree slowly developing according to the nature of its being.
At the beginning, a tiny tree seed works its way up through the soil, moving around obstructions to reach the outside world, encountering constantly changing conditions from year to year, showing patient development. Then it must send its roots down far enough to gain stabilization and ability to draw up sustenance before branching out, showing the importance of internal self-sufficiency.
Leaves, flowers, fruit and seeds all align with the intent of the original seed. Within each of us is the seed of “all we can become”. Time, courage and silence allow us to listen for the self-directive inner voice, to move past obstacles, to withstand life’s storms and grant patience, allowing our roots to grow deep.
Continuous cultivation of the roots of “who you are” is key to personal contentment. Each of us has the authentic core of our being to draw upon, to offer to the world.
Unlike the instinctive path of trees, humans have choices. The ancients taught that true fulfillment is found by honoring our own original seed intentions.