Heaven above – Water below
The Chinese name Song may be translated to a demand for justice, disputes, promoting one side. This hexagram has similar titles: Conflict, Contention, Arguing, Dispute. There are many implications within the archetype of conflict; it can denote everything from hostility to regular competitions. Conflict is a natural part of life – the ancients taught the possibility of something new emerging from the friction of conflict as corrections and course adjustments are made; it can be transformational.
Breaking down the symbolism of the 3-line trigrams helps with understanding the ancient teachings:

Trigram Water is shown in the image as the bottom 3 lines (below right), representing the inner situation. Although Water can join with others, it has its own instincts and perils. An impetuous rush to action is possible as Water’s ability to penetrate to the heart of matters is coupled with strong emotions. In this hexagram, Water is shown as an inner conflict with external forces.
Trigram Heaven is on top of trigram Water as seen in the top 3 lines (below right). Heaven symbolizes the externalized situation as being that of strength and endurance much greater than the emerging internal impetus. Trigram Heaven commands inexhaustible power and laws, conditions in which the individual/instinctual (coming from the inner trigram) may either have the chance to address in order to prove their point or conversely, not be in a position to change.
The ancient ideograph on the upper left portion of the image below. On the left side is an image of a person’s face with the mouth wide open at the bottom indicating a blunt message. On the top right side there are two strokes illustrating two sides being equal but divided in opposing directions. The circle at the bottom is the ancient symbol for the self. Together the images on the right indicate being fair by being against selfishness. Taken all together the ideograph is of a dispute where justice is being demanded.

In summary: Water flows down while Heaven moves upward. Their natural movements are conflicting, without good communication and the situation is one of tension. Although disputes are a natural part of life, there is a general consensus that most of the instructions of the 6 lines discourage arguing at all. In other words, proceeding with litigation/argument, no matter how sincere your own beliefs, does not end well if it does not come from truly balanced motives. There are times when action is indicated, but it is suggested you contemplate carefully before taking any action that may further problems. If at all possible, look for other ways to settle things.
Following are a few ideas for interpretations of each line:
Line 1 – Because you are at the beginning, your strength is not yet adequate for contention. The matter may not be of huge significance and, even though you may find yourself subject to a little criticism, it will not matter in the long run. A way to reconciliation may be open, especially by showing respect, talking it through and starting small.
Line 2 – Even if you think you are right, you may have a stagnant mindset that needs to be released. There are better ways to use your time and strength than with this battle. “Discretion is the better part of valor” means, especially at this time, nothing is to be gained from a fight you cannot win.
Line 3 – Conflict may arise from trying to live in a way that provided success in the past. It is better to use knowledge of past merits to uplift your thoughts, even if you do not receive any recognition for them at this point. Compromise to the status quo may be a better plan for now; it cannot undo what you already achieved in the past and may even further strengthen you.
Line 4 – The suggested path here is by searching for a way to dissolve the situation. Essentially, find a way to end contention. Changing your mind is easier and more successful than changing the world at this time.
Line 5 – You have the opportunity to contend – your position is sincere. This may be the correct time to stand up for what you believe is right. Listen to others too, make sure you are really seeking truth. Remain balanced and clear in coming to an agreement.
Line 6 – There is the possibility that a state of mind where “winning at all costs” becomes the goal. Being a winner only guarantees further challenges and can trap you into endless contests. Contemplate win/win scenarios and keep focused on what your own soul truly wants.