Fire above – Earth below
The Chinese name of this hexagram is Jin, which translates to progress, upgrades, developments. Other titles are: Flourishing, Advancing, Gift, Progress. An ancient Chinese story tells of a prince being rewarded for his help to the King with the gift of horses. This prince immediately went to work, breeding them to create a multitude. The story illustrates the prince’s success as he was making the most of opportunity presented. Jin describes the nurturing, receptive nature of Earth (representing you or your situation). You (or this situation) are being gifted and flooded with Fire’s attributes of clarity, insight, ability to organize and discern. The ancients make clear that, to expand and be successful, sincere personal participation in the process is required.
Breaking down the symbolism of the 3-line trigrams helps with understanding the ancient teachings:

When trigram Earth is below (the bottom 3 lines in image below right), it references the inner realm of the person or situation. Earth does not go out to aggressively take initiative; Earth is receptive to good opportunities which come to it. In this hexagram, Earth shows compliance with as well as reliance on the gifts of the light and insight of Fire.
Trigram Fire is on top of trigram Earth as shown in the top 3 lines of the image below right. Brightness rises above Earth bringing order, enlightenment and the ability to utilize the inner (Earth) potential. One example is the image of sprouted seeds receiving the Sun’s warmth, encouraging and enabling them to begin their growth journey out from the soil.
The ancient ideograph is on the upper left portion of the image below. There is a circle at the bottom which shows the Sun. On top, two plants thrive from the Sun’s energy. The ideograph represents the beauty of a Sun rising over the earth, providing radiant energy and the ability to advance.

In summary: The beautiful image of the Sun (Fire) rising over the Earth to spread its warmth and radiance. The image provides symbolism illustrating the ability to expand prosperity outwardly when the time is right. Expansion comes by connecting with inner power through receptivity, rather than using force. The strength of the yielding power of Earth together with the warm, radiant generosity of Fire are not to be underestimated. The core image of this hexagram is to look for the gift within yourself (or your circumstance) and find the best way to put those blessings to work and build on them.
Following are a few ideas for interpretations of each line:
Line 1 – A time of Expansion, one has begun the process. It may have gone well for a while and then resistance or rebuff is encountered. Impediments or other’s lack of trust can be overcome by maintaining your own objectivity, as well maintaining an attitude of warmth and generosity. Trust your path will become clearer in time.
Line 2 – Perhaps there has been anxiety or sorrow, possibly due to lack of communication. There is a sense of protection conferred upon you (or the situation) due to the blessings of a grandmother or ancestral figure. Guidance shows you are meant to continue on your path but also stressing that strength and understanding are gained through adversity,
Line 3 – It may be that prior misunderstandings are being cleared up at this time, opening up the possibility of moving ahead and successfully expanding your circumstances. Achieving the respect and support of others through respecting and supporting them is suggested as the best possible plan at this time.
Line 4 – Indications in this situation reveal you do not yet have the required skills for achievement. Restlessness and anxiety can pull one into the temptation to use manipulation or other questionable methods to achieve goals. Take care not to fall into those temptations; avoid having the situation fall apart by stepping back and taking stock of where things are going wrong.
Line 5 – The cycles of life will always move in gains and losses, but what truly matters is that life goes on. Try not to worry, try not get caught up in what is gained or lost. Life needs movement to grow, it cannot happen where one holds on too tightly. Progress is not always shown by external appearances.
Line 6 – The full force of one’s discipline may now be used to master restless or wayward aspects of your own character. Trying to discipline others may backfire, especially if too intrusive or aggressive. One who rules well masters themselves first because they come to know how to limit the practice of discipline.