Heaven above – Heaven below
Qian is the Chinese name of this hexagram and translates to creative, vigorous, dynamic, constant. Other titles of this hexagram are: Creative Force, The Directing Power of Heaven, Initiating, The Dynamic. The archetype Qian or Heaven is vast and difficult to put into words. Ancient diviners saw Heaven as encompassing the totality of the grand order of things and further described it as pure energy, creative primal power, life force, generation and regeneration, transcendence. Qian provides the universe with direction and its creatures with higher purpose, drive and motivation along with the necessary energy and ability to persevere.
Breaking down the symbolism of the 3-line trigrams helps with understanding the ancient teachings:

Both upper and lower trigrams (see image below right) are composed of yang (solid) lines. The pure yang of Qian is a principle without substance. It is not a defined thing and because it is not substance, it cannot be depleted. Yang could be understood as pure interaction, dynamic, inexhaustible and unwavering.
Prior to hexagrams, the ancients first drew ideographs. These are graphic symbols that represent an idea or concept. One version of the ideograph for Qian is shown on the left in the image below. We see the Sun (rising each day), grass (sprouting with two leaves on each side being healthy and well rooted) and the chi from the sun (pouring radiance on all). The power of the image shows Qian as a dynamic function and an analogy of the Sun as enduring.

Summary: Heaven encompasses the dynamic, initiating principles of the universe. Ancient diviners associated dragons with dignity, wisdom and sovereignty and used dragon symbolism within most of the lines of this hexagram. All timing of weather patterns is under Heaven’s directive, but most especially the Chinese saw the rain necessary for good crops linked with dragon. Heaven keeps everything intact and directs all movement and patterns within the universe. Heaven provides the inspiration and force (initiating and persevering energy) for all of creation, although it still needs Earth to receive and bring it into reality.
Following are a few ideas for interpretation, some based on the themes of the archetypal Dragon intertwined with a story that illustrates a King following this guidance in the midst of preparing to overthrow a dynasty:
Line 1 – The dragon is hidden. The King did not show his true abilities and remained humble even when in prison for several years. This is not a time to take action. There are things you do not know about the situation; it is still developing. Timing is extremely important so, when tempted to act prematurely, keep a low profile and an attitude of humility.
Line 2 – The dragon appears in the field. The King stayed loyal to the ruler when released from imprisonment. You may be out in full view of others, but not yet recognized or in a position of authority. Before taking action, gather the support of others and learn from those who know more than you.
Line 3 – Working diligently during the day, one still must tread carefully. The King watched for omens in the night sky. Although you have the power to succeed, you still must use caution. Monitor your words, follow your intuition, obey nature’s laws and timing.
Line 4 – The dragon leaps over the abyss. The King took risks because, although he felt his plan was good, he first sent his men out ahead to get an overview. You may be ready to move forward with your plans, but it is better to move cautiously by paying attention to the small details. Use your influence gently rather than trying to force anything.
Line 5 – The dragon flying in the sky. The King was of good character and an inspiration to others. When his father gave him advice, he took it. Everyone, even an admired leader still needs to seek others who can offer valuable advice. There is the possibility of great success in your endeavor.
Line 6 – An arrogant dragon. The King observed the dangers of pushing too far through pride or arrogance. You may be nearing the end of this opportunity and, with success imminent, you may feel over-confident or that you don’t need support. This is the time to recalibrate your attitude to cultivate and maintain sincerity. Be sure to include others.