Mountain above – Thunder below
The Chinese name of this hexagram is Yi, which translates as jaw, cheek, chin as well as nourishment, maintaining and taking care of. Other titles include: The Corner of the Mouth, Jaws, Providing Nourishment, Nurturing. Addressed within this hexagram are issues arising out of the need for nourishment as well as careful examination and discrimination of what is being taken in (at all levels) for the maintenance and vitality of oneself and others. Your experience of life is directly affected by how, who and what you nourish and how, who and what nourishes you.
Breaking down the symbolism of the 3-line trigrams helps with understanding the ancient teachings:

Trigram Thunder is below (the bottom 3 lines in image below right) and references the inner realm of the person or situation. Thunder symbolizes the initiation of movement and growth which consequently increases demands for nutrition. Thunder is immediate, shocking, always in motion and unpredictable.
Trigram Mountain is on top of trigram Thunder and pictured in the top 3 lines (below right). Representing the externalized reality, Mountain is the opposite of Thunder because Mountain is solid, still, not moving. Mountain has borders and boundaries which can constrain and channel Thunder’s wide-ranging impulses in this hexagram.
The ancient ideograph is on the upper left portion of the image below. On the left, the image is a side view of a mouth with a nourishing object between the upper and lower jaws. The right image shows a person with a large head and perhaps a head scarf. Together they represent nourishment as well as highlighting an expression upon the face (jaws rigid in anger, for example).

In summary: Thunder at the foot of the Mountain or Thunder deep within the center of Mountain provide the image of Yi. The bottom 3 lines, trigram Thunder, are not necessarily favorable lines positions. The reason for this has been postulated that these lines represent restless, hungry movement of Thunder (almost like unconscious instincts) in need of channeling into constructive, effective action. Mountain’s 3 lines are perhaps more favorable, perhaps because Mountain can act as a container for self-restraint of Thunder’s impulses. The visual image of the 6 lines together (solid lines on outside and broken on inside) have been likened to an upper and lower jaw, which adds to the idea of nourishing. Ancient diviners mention the importance of moderation and suggest carefully scrutinizing what one takes in as well as what emanates from each of us.
Following are a few ideas for interpretations of each line:
Line 1 – Although you may have strength and ability, the beginning of Nourishment contains an admonishment if you regard others with envy, restlessness, apathy or expect them to provide nourishment which you should be obtaining for yourself. The ancients reference a magic tortoise in this hexagram, which they associated with divination or the realms of higher perception. From this you may infer the possibility you have lost touch with your intuition.
Line 2 – There is a need to gain independence and take responsibilities for oneself. Seeking nourishment from inappropriate sources only ends in misfortune. It is much better to move with your own path and nourishment because this increases your integrity and authenticity, which ultimately affects those around you.
Line 3 – Ascertain whether you are rejecting or ignoring real nourishment in favor of instant gratification. Action contrary to ordinary nourishment can lead to malnutrition of body and spirit. For example, mistakenly pursing something that appears more exotic, but is not only not nutritious/nurturing but, in some cases, may actually be bad for you in body, mind or spirit. Paying your own way and maintaining gratitude for the ordinary as well as the exotic are important aspects at this time.
Line 4 – There is a buildup of momentum likened to the stalking of a tiger. Although an intense and heavy element of desire is evident, this is appropriate when one is hunting for nourishment, providing what you are hunting for has the values of good nourishment.
Line 5 – At times an unconventional path may be valid and called for if it means being true to oneself, but it means it is also important to allow time for the guidance to become clear. In these circumstances, the undertaking should not be too large or project too far into the future.
Line 6 – You may be called to nourish others and this can only happen if you know first how to nourish yourself. Although there may be difficulty, if you follow your intuition, you may be a light in the lives of many others.