Water above – Heaven below
The Chinese name Xu translates to insufficient, expectation, requirement, wait. Some of the names for Hexagram 5 (Xu) are Waiting, Anticipation, Hesitation, Needing. The lower trigram, Heaven, has strength and direction internally while the outer trigram, Water, represents things which can work against your progress in the external world. The teachings of Xu show how courage, strength and discipline can manifest as a kind of “active waiting” for an undefined period of time. Xu relates to the ability to remain fully present within your life and turn waiting time into actual lived life.
Breaking down the symbolism of the 3-line trigrams helps with understanding the ancient teachings:

Trigram Heaven is shown in the image as the bottom 3 lines (below right), representing the inner situation. Heaven represents pure strength, power and direction. Heaven has laws that will happen but cannot be forced. The inner impulse manifests when the time is right.
Trigram Water is on top of trigram Heaven. Trigram water can symbolize danger, difficulties or unfavorable conditions. Water is undefined, has no form or certainty but eventually it finds a way to shape the impulse that comes up through trigram Heaven below. It could even be that things come your way without needing to be chased, but that means attentiveness is always desirable.
The ancient ideograph on the upper left portion of the image below shows rain at the top (the four drops) being held within the clouds and the lower portion is a praying or dancing figure (perhaps an elder or priest) praying for rain.

In summary: Rain (Water in the top trigram) is held in the plump clouds according to celestial law, but it doesn’t yet fall to fulfill the needs on the earth below. Desires and expectations belong to those of us living an earthly life, not to the stars or celestial regions. An inner directive (Heaven in the bottom trigram) may turn into a blessing someday, but today it is still only a hopeful desire. Real strength and courage is shown when you overcome the great challenge: to remain in place, without flinching, even while everything inside you wants to fly into action. The ancient saying about the “most difficult thing to master is oneself” comes to the forefront within Xu. This provides an opportunity to work with what is, instead of turning your own emotional or ego needs against yourself in an attempt to change the unchangeable.
Following are a few ideas for interpretations of each line:
Line 1 – At this time you may proceed normally with ordinary tasks at hand. Even if you sense impending problems, do not allow yourself to become agitated. Stay present and if you sense a problem may be arriving on the distant horizon, let it belong to the future. Allow things to unfold as they will for now.
Line 2 – Living requires a certain amount of societal exposure which may sometimes lead to you being the victim of gossip or criticism. What is required is to become a calm, inactive observer, even though the impulse to defend yourself may arise. With patience the ending will be good.
Line 3 – Sometimes it is one’s own internal vulnerabilities (such as emotional responses) that call danger to you from the outside world. Make sure your actions are not prematurely inspired by anxiety as this only decreases chances for eventual success.
Line 4 – There are indications of being in a place of danger or chaos. Without patience, the mind can conjure it as worse than it is. Confrontation or direct push back in this condition only deepens the problems. The guidance here is yield or withdraw for now; this will bring escape whether you’ve physically moved or not.
Line 5 – At this time you are assured of being surrounded by good influences. Eat, drink and enjoy these moments of present reality wholeheartedly, even with the knowledge there is still more to be done. Maintenance of inner sincerity, despite outer pressure, increases one’s chances of good fortune.
Line 6 – Sometimes an impasse is suddenly in front of you and difficulties pile in. Things that could have been done with the waiting time were perhaps not attended to. Regardless, the guidance shows that help is likely at hand. Sometimes unexpected things, even those called miracles happen – be open and ready to recognize, honor and welcome it.