Thunder above – Wind below
The Chinese name for this hexagram is Heng which translates to duration, continuity, endurance. Hexagram titles fall in line with those concepts: Long Lasting, Continuity, Persevering, Consistency. The ancient diviners recognized change as a part of life, but they also stress that, by necessity life contains elements of constancy. Success in relationships, career and many aspects of life need continuity as is illustrated through Thunder and Wind’s combined attributes. Together these trigrams include direction, renewal and perseverance as essential for continuity.
Breaking down the symbolism of the 3-line trigrams helps with understanding the ancient teachings:

When trigram Wind is below (the bottom 3 lines in image below right), it references the inner realm of the person or situation. Wind, being Earth’s directive voice, carries the blueprint or pattern that make each creature or creation unique. As the inner trigram of Duration, this shows how your authentic, unique nature influences what your impulses and actions in the world will be. Another important attribute is Wind’s ability to be relentless in its gentle perseverance.
Trigram Thunder is on top of trigram Wind (the top 3 lines in image below right). Thunder is a catalyst and represents the voice or directive of Heaven. Within the cycles of life, Thunder is a consistent renewer. There is vigor and strength in the usable energy of Thunder which propels the influence of Wind into one’s environment.
The ancient ideograph is on the upper left portion of the image below. The two horizontal lines depict the borders of a river. Between the borders is a boat with 3 people in it on the right and on the left is a heart. It was difficult for the ancient Chinese to cross a river and so they saw it as people sharing the dangers and working with one heart, united in their journey in an enduring way “from beginning to end”.

In summary: The ancient diviners knew life to be always changing. From this they drew the conclusion that consistency or duration can only exist “within” the principles of change by a kind of balance between steady action and periodic resets. Wind provides the steady influence (while holding patterns of your unique destiny) and Thunder provides jolts of energy for renewal and the ability to take creative action. Thus, these two influences are combined within ever-changing circumstances to produce duration. One example is a couple balancing their mutual needs through years of marriage. Such a relationship has constancy, but it exists within a framework of ongoing re-adjustments.
Following are a few ideas for interpretations of each line:
Line 1 – In this situation, not everything is apparent to you yet and will only come clear over time. Taking precipitous action within the unfolding of a situation does not work; stability and depth cannot come at a beginning.
Line 2 – Times of taking action and using force must alternate with times of being receptive. Learning to manage your force means sometimes it may be best used in moderating yourself, taking gentle, small steps. Once a goal is set or a journey is undertaken, allow the regrets and successes to become part of those steps without letting them stop you.
Line 3 – There are indications that your actions at this time are prone to excessive inconsistency. Calm and constructive values held steady over time are what build duration.
Line 4 – In some situations, one may be persistent, but if goals are not realistic, persistence does not help. Also, check the quality of your perseverance to make sure it is not chasing away your goals. Guidance suggests stepping back to take stock of where you want to go or what you want to achieve and make sure to back up your endeavor with useful wisdom.
Line 5 – There is a need for balance in situations which are of enduring quality. Consistency in your approach means having a solid base (in reality and logic) and the ability to take action, but it also involves inner wisdom and intuition.
Line 6 – In times of duration or consistency there is a need to attend your own attitudes to coincide with the requirements of the times. Restlessness, trying too hard, anxiety, lack of focus not only depletes you, but are antithetical to successful duration.