Water above – Earth below
Hexagram 8 is called Bi which refers to the closeness or intimacy which comes about when people live together. In ancient China, five separate households formed a Bi and one person was appointed to take care of the neighborhood. Many titles come from this idea: Alliance, Belonging, Holding Together, Unity, Seeking Union are some examples. Our current society does not normally have such assignations in our communities thus to do the work of Seeking Union, one needs to identify who belongs together, where we find mutual affinity with others.
Breaking down the symbolism of the 3-line trigrams helps with understanding the ancient teachings:

Trigram Earth is shown in the image as the bottom 3 lines (below right), representing the inner situation. The ancients gained insight by contemplating the close relationship between Earth and Water. Earth becomes soft and pliable when mixed with Water. Earth can pertain large groups of people or creatures who all “have each other’s back”. One of the strengths of Earth is acceptance/receptivity and the inner urge at this time is to include others in your life. Withholding judgement and being together allows ideas to grow into reality.
Trigram Water is on top of trigram Earth, showing the externalized situation (see top 3 lines of image below right). The nature of Water is to seek and merge with other streams of water as they move over the Earth to a common destination. Water is restless by nature. As the external condition of Bi, this means intuitively channeling the restlessness into finding a way to order and map your world with others; moving together around dangers like obstacles, deceit or obscurities (rather than confronting them).
The ancient ideograph on the upper left portion of the image below shows two people standing or walking next to each other or one behind the other. Originally it meant to “stand by” and later became “everyone is part of a whole”.

In summary: Just as Water moves over Earth; Unity describes being within a group and moving in connection with it. In this way your inner world unites with the world outside. You may need to move off personal, lofty or rugged individual ideals and become more accessible to those around you. “Troubles are fewest when families or groups stand united, related and familiar. One rarely hears of factions, fragments and pieces of water”. Within society we need to determine the patterns within ourselves and those around us in order to find cohesion and consistency within daily life.
Following are a few ideas for interpretations of each line:
Line 1 – An impulse to join with others is the beginning of seeking union. Rather than trying to show your inner being, potential or talents, perhaps notice and help others with their creations by supporting the development of their inner being, potential and talents. With true inner sincerity, connections will be lasting and true.
Line 2 – An auspicious placement which shows success in unions as long as your inner template, consisting of your own dignity, individuality and convictions, is held of uppermost importance. This also means being mindful to not lose yourself in others.
Line 3 – Guidance on this placement suggests something has gone awry in the situation; union with the wrong people. To continue this way only leads to a lack of fulfillment and obstruction. A different direction is needed.
Line 4 – This placement suggests it is a time to look for union outside your intimate associations or social sphere. “Keep friends across the great water and only accept what doctrine you need.”
Line 5 – A strong position where one has influence is shown here. The suggestion is to welcome those who come and do not chase after any who run away – (sincerity, leniency and understanding from the ruler means loyalty from the people by their own choice). Lead by example rather than authority.
Line 6 – An internal loss of connection is indicated here, perhaps some personal confusion. One must be clear in order to be known by others; be sincere and open, holding nothing back. Without this first step nothing can be completed.