Heaven above – Earth below
The Chinese name of this hexagram is Pi which translates to inferior, stagnant, wrong. Other titles for Standstill are Blocked, Hindrance, Negation. Pi explores the concepts of being denied, stymied or to say “no”. It can be about obstruction coming from the outside, but also, it can be about you saying “no” to something that goes against you or your values. Pi teaches how to live in troubled times when forces are moving away from harmony with each other. The choice involves the ability to search your conscience and use good judgement to take a higher road or not. Being blocked or at a standstill is a part of life and does not last forever. The ancients taught: when things reach their natural limit, they alternate to the reverse condition.
Breaking down the symbolism of the 3-line trigrams helps with understanding the ancient teachings:

When trigram Earth is below (as in the image below right), it references the inner realm of the person or situation. Earth does not take initiative (ascend) because her function is to nourish that which comes toward her. Thus, Earth in this hexagram is not in a position to have exchange with trigram Heaven in the upper realm.
Trigram Heaven is on top of trigram Earth. In this configuration, the core of things “exists” within (Earth below), but Heaven’s directives, laws and rules are not part of this inner core. This is because Heaven and Earth are moving in opposite directions (Heaven moves upward & Earth downward). The result is negation, nothing can be accomplished.
The ancient ideograph is on the upper left portion of the image below. The horizontal line at the top represents Heaven. Right under the Heaven line is a bird’s head with the wings extending down on both the right and left sides. A flying bird, one who is not appearing to land, is a sign of “no” to the ancients. The small circle in between the bird’s wings is an open mouth which represents a person saying “no”.

In summary: An inner desire to nurture and grow anything can only be accomplished if Earth is in alignment with the laws of Heaven. Pi shows Heaven and Earth going in separate directions and no one can alter this natural cycle. “Reasons for” and “reactions to” these times of standstill are vast and varied. The ancient originators divined and developed guidance through the hexagram’s 6 lines as a way to meet standstill in real life. Each line, with the exception of line 3, hint at some small ways to work on reunification during standstill.
Following are a few ideas for interpretations of each line:
Line 1 – Things are beginning to go wrong. Remain connected to the roots of your own values and seek those of like mind for support. Separate yourself from an entrenched situation as carefully as you would take apart a clump of grass, patiently dealing with one root at a time.
Line 2 – It is not possible to escape the present circumstances and it would be to easy sink into conflict with those around. Rather, a wholehearted adaptation to the current reality allows for happiness in the now, especially knowing this will not last forever. There is wisdom in “choosing your battles”.
Line 3 – Sometimes things get mired down through incompetence, dishonesty or lack of interest. If those around prefer not to own it, clean up what you have to and then back away.
Line 4 – This placement suggests a call to a higher purpose (which is not the same as happiness because there is real work to be done in staying the course to that higher purpose). In submitting to the call, those of like mind may come along, but this is not guaranteed. A good leader works by submitting to the cause and inspiring others.
Line 5 – This position marks the approaching end of a difficult time, although not necessarily quick or easy. Therefore, the guidance is to remain aware, learn from past mistakes, let go of what is not working and concentrate on what is working. Saying “no” does not have to be harsh, but it must be clear and definitive.
Line 6 – A situation which has been blocked is about to improve. During times of being blocked inner strength is gained; it is suggested to make sure these lessons are integrated and can be shared.