Water above – Thunder below
Zhun translates from Chinese to concepts such as muster, early trials, initial difficulty. Other titles for this hexagram are: Beginnings, Difficulty, Sprouting, Rallying. Heaven (Qian) and Earth (Kun), the first 2 of the 64 hexagrams contain the two main opening principles of the 64 hexagrams. As Black Elk states: “Is not the sky a father and the earth a mother, and are not all living things with feet or wings or roots their children?” Zhun (Hexagram 3) was seen as a result of the interaction between Heaven and Earth; “the beginning of the generation of myriads of beings”. Zhun doesn’t just refer to physical creations, it signifies the beginning of everything, which always includes some type of inherent challenge.
Breaking down the symbolism of the 3-line trigrams helps with understanding the ancient teachings:

Trigram Thunder is shown in the image (below right) as the lower (internal) trigram. A clap of thunder is powerful. It shakes, excites, shocks. It wakes one up like the season of Spring wakes the earth but, like Spring or the dark of a New Moon, we don’t yet see how it will end. Trigram Thunder as the lower trigram shows an inner impulse bursting outward, somewhat blindly in its newness.
Trigram Water (below right) is on top of trigram Thunder. This new beginning or renewal moves up via the energy of Thunder and is then shaped through Water in the external trigram. Water does not have a shape of its own but, according to the ancients, Water holds the universal patterns which distinguish the uniqueness of each creation. Water has the ability to create pathways by moving around obstacles.
The ancient ideograph on the upper left portion of the image below shows a little seedling with 2 tiny leaves and deeply rooted. It is sprouting up above the ground, which is symbolized by the horizontal line at the top.

In summary: Beginnings occur when initiating energy (Thunder) surges up into an outer world where the experience is unclear, difficult and even dangerous (Water). At this time, although there is great potential in having such a huge range of choices, some of the difficulty comes from the fact that confusion and lack of direction can be very uncomfortable. The disorientation of the shock calls up the need to muster all one’s internal resources as well as to seek out assistance, if possible. Although this is not a time to have a specific plan of action, it is a time to create some vital core security and then begin to extend and orient to allow for the new situation to take shape. Plants anchor themselves with roots, then grow stems and leaves before flowering or bearing fruit.
Following are a few ideas for interpretation of each line:
Line 1 – This situation may be compared to the beginning of spring when winter is still not quite finished. Although the beginning has merit, advancing may be blocked right now. There is lots to do in the current space in the meantime (such as recruiting assistance).
Line 2 – Difficulties bring the temptation to rush into decision through reaction, especially if others are pressuring you. Here a resolute and versatile mindset is vital and proves affairs are best put in order by thoughtful probing without beginning quite yet. This is the way to a natural, albeit eventual, success.
Line 3 – There is folly in surging forward without preparation, personal experience or the advice of a guide. Haste can only chase success away and find regret. Do not act upon that which you do not yet understand.
Line 4 – A signal that the way is clear. If a good opportunity to advance shows up, a feeling of hesitation is natural. It is better to throw out ego or rigid plans and accept opportunity with a positive attitude, even if you are unsure. Good fortune is available to you.
Line 5 – Adapt the size of your actions/decisions to what is happening in the moment – this time frame signals there can be success in small things. Failure is most likely if you push too hard or attempt an overly grand scheme.
Line 6 – Sometimes plans do not succeed and things fall apart, use restrain before going too far. You may need to find a different road or endeavor. Building a strong inner core means, whether you win or lose, the constancy of your heart feels rich in all circumstances.