November 30, 2024
No matter where you are on your life’s path, either just beginning self-cultivation or practicing for years, as you practice you will become more awake and aware. You further realize you are stepping further into groundlessness and entering into you-know-not-what.
When we have prowess, we accumulate victories, we should savor the experience of them, nobody can take them away from you. Your prowess will pass, be thankful for the temporary gift. The experiences make it valuable, not the prowess or the victories.
If you have a benevolent heart, you will nourish your community without trying to. Be simple and generous, do work you enjoy, don’t try to control, don’t compare, don’t compete, be content with just being who you are; this way everybody will respect you.
In order to influence each other, both parties should be sincere and free from judgement. Your heart and mind should be as pure as the clear sky and as open as the vast ocean. Thus, acting in harmony and being open you can, accept all people without prejudice.
Quote: Detachment results in clarity, clarity expresses itself as love.