January 7, 2025
We can learn to rejoice in even the smallest blessing our life holds, the everyday ordinary things we do. It’s easy to miss our good fortune; often happiness comes in things we don’t even notice. The key is to be here, fully connected with the moment taking care of ordinary things.
If we are true to our inner natures, we can withstand the vicissitudes and adornment of life, for neither bad fortune nor good fortune will alter the way we are, but we should patiently bear both. No matter what, we must always be true to our inner selves.
When most people hear about the ancient teachings, they waiver between belief and disbelief. When wise people hear about them, they diligently follow their path. Others laugh at them thinking they are foolish, by this laughter, we know of their authenticity.
If one’s strength is great, one can progress and contribute one’s talent to society, but your motivation should be pure. Being too firm in one’s character will lead to difficulties in dealing with society. If you are not firm enough, you will find it difficult to deal with everyday life.
Quote: Most of the shadows of this life are caused by standing in one’s own sunshine. – Emerson