Fire above – Mountain below
The Chinese name of this hexagram is Lu which translates into someone travelling from place to place. Other titles of this hexagram are: The Traveler, The Wanderer, The Stranger. Lu is more than just movement; it also encompasses those who are on the move. You may be the Wanderer or meet with a Wanderer whose character and motives are a mystery; vagabond, well-intentioned rambler, person of honor or thief? No matter how long or short the distance from home, Wanderers inevitably encounter issues of whether they can blend in and what risk they take on if they don’t. Generally, this hexagram describes what is entailed, as well as what needs to be done when one is a stranger.
Breaking down the symbolism of the 3-line trigrams helps with understanding the ancient teachings:

When trigram Mountain is below (the bottom 3 lines in image below right), it references the inner realm of the person or situation. Mountain, in this hexagram, gives the gift of a stable inner individuality. Mountain also confers the ability to define boundaries for oneself as well as others; this is especially valuable when you are not in your own environment.
Trigram Fire is on top of trigram Mountain as seen in the top 3 lines of the hexagram (below right). Fire brings order and clarity as well as a sense of shared humanity (the earliest civilizations gathered together around a fire). Fire’s light, which allows for intelligent discernment. Fire can touch on the dry mountain grasses, moving and burning through vegetation quickly, much as the presence of a stranger who is a con man can move through a neighborhood. Alternatively, Fire’s clarity can show as a wise and kindly stranger offering valuable new insights, leaving a village enriched by his brief visit.
The ancient ideograph is on the upper left portion of the image below. To display the idea of moving or travelling, the ideograph shows an army on the right (two soldiers with the leader at the top) chasing the enemy (on the left). Lu was a term which also described a unit of 500 troops.

In summary: Lu emphasizes the journey rather than the destination. It is a reminder that you carry your own firmness of purpose and individuality within you, illustrated by the solid presence of Mountain as the inner trigram. In conditions where you are not in your home environment, care must be taken that you are clear in your communications and actions (shown by Fire as the outer trigram). No longer able to count on your comfort zone means it is imperative to become flexible and adaptable. This is especially important because traveling with too much baggage is cumbersome, so a wanderer is often dealing with a limited supply of personal resources. Baggage can also be emotional and this tends to fall away while travelling because one’s perspective inevitably changes; the mind is opened in ways that would not be possible while in familiar surroundings.
Following are a few ideas for interpretations of each line:
Line 1 – Your actions are easily misunderstood by others at this time. Take a close look at your actions to see if they are, in truth, trivial or petty. Do not waste energy this way as it is only inviting disrespect. For success, it is you who need to respect the needs of others who are around you at this time.
Line 2 – Having previously made gains in your life and now (or recently) arriving into an unfamiliar environment, you have everything you need for success. Guidance here suggests a good outcome is possible if you are able to find a way to be satisfied with current conditions and live contentedly within them for now.
Line 3 – If your actions or attitudes are over-bearing, careless or arrogant, you will lose security and the support of others. The ancients have likened it to burning down one’s own house and losing household support workers. Find gentleness and humility and put them to use in this situation.
Line 4 – It is probable you have relative comfort with your basic needs being met, but without fulfillment and in a strange environment. Although you may have all you need, this is still a tenuous position and so there is a need for careful attention to your own actions (such as respecting others). Deliberating on what seems to be missing in life for fulfillment may provide a challenge for you to plan future actions or it is equally possible you only require an adjustment in your own attitude.
Line 5 – A call for some kind of sacrifice (such as behaving in a way that you may not be comfortable with in new surroundings) can open the way and establish connections that are needed. Be open and trustworthy in your actions.
Line 6 – Selfishness or carelessness toward who or what you have in life may not feel like it would cause problems at first. As time goes on, however, there is cause for regret. Be very careful in unfamiliar circumstances to hold high regard for the laws of those around you.