Thunder above – Fire below
The Chinese name of this hexagram is Feng which translates to riches, profusion, bountiful. Other titles include: Fullness, Affluence, Correct Action. Feng, according to ancient diviners, mainly refers to moments of abundance where prosperity is overflowing. The one who is at the center of it is called to take immediate, intelligent action involving important decisions on managing the prosperity. The potentially erratic movement provided by Thunder is reigned in and given order through the internal light of Fire. It should be noted this hexagram describes what is usually a short, intense, fluid period of time. But there is also a deeper symbolism as well, involving natural laws implicit in Fire and Thunder, which point to an opportunity within this experience to expand your awareness or consciousness.
Breaking down the symbolism of the 3-line trigrams helps with understanding the ancient teachings:

When trigram Fire is below (the bottom 3 lines in image below right), it references the inner realm of the person or situation. Fire confers visibility, discernment and the ability to bring order. Fire, as a creative force, also brings intelligence and insight which is important in manifesting those creative impulses into reality.
Trigram Thunder is on top of trigram Fire as seen in the top 3 lines of the hexagram image (below right). Thunder in the external position combines explosively with Fire, showing that things can feel somewhat overwhelming in times of Abundance. On the other hand, the inner trigram Fire has the ability to tame Thunder’s more random and shocking impulses. This is because Fire lends intelligence, discernment and order to the useable energy Thunder releases.
The ancient ideograph is on the upper left portion of the image below. The lower portion of this ideograph shows a cooking vessel while the upper portion shows the stems and leaves of beans. This confers the idea of abundance or riches.

In summary: Abundance represents a situation where things have reached a kind of climax and as it overflows. You are called to step up and take charge of the sudden prosperity. This may be overwhelming and therefore, action which emerges from your internal clarity requires immediacy and focus during these moments (because they tend to pass by quickly). After a peak, decline is inevitable. The ability to hold trust and fulfillment, even in the midst of external decline was valued by ancient diviners. They saw it as a move toward enlightenment to be achieved through understanding this as an opportunity for the expansion of awareness.
Following are a few ideas for interpretations of each line:
Line 1 – An encounter with an ally or partner is auspicious now, although it will likely be for a limited time. Such a valuable arrangement may have started impulsively but should be followed through to its conclusion once started.
Line 2 – Your abundance and intelligence is being overshadowed. It may be through mistrust or lack of knowledge within the situation. During these type of eclipse periods, realize success is still possible if you cling to your integrity and retain your inner state of abundance. This challenge to your character may ultimately strengthen you.
Line 3 – This situation is like a solar eclipse where you cannot gain access to the truth of the situation; the light is hidden. Guidance suggests not taking action. Even if you are trying to assist another, it may only be misunderstood. Give yourself some time before action and let things develop and clarify.
Line 4 – Your own clarity is not yet strong and this would normally preclude taking action. In this case, however, you may find someone who has more knowledge or experience to assist you at this time. Or, others may help clarify what you have not been seeing.
Line 5 – Clarity is coming to this situation and perhaps unexpected good fortune. Show your sincerity to the talented people in your life who may recognize you as a leader or, if you are not a leader, are willing to lend assistance.
Line 6 – The experience of or desire for abundance has taken over, creating conditions of isolation, mistrust and an inability to see your situation clearly. Do not give into the temptation to screen yourself off from life as this will only make things more difficult.