Wind above – Mountain below
The Chinese name of this hexagram is Jian which translates to gradually, steadily, advancing by degrees. The name Jian comes from a river in China that gradually grows bigger as it flows toward the ocean in the east. Another image comes from the hexagram lines themselves: a tree gradually growing on a mountain in the trigrams (trigram Wood over trigram Mountain). One more interpretative idea is found in the individual lines as the story of wild geese unfolds. It shows their gradual development starting at the shore, leading eventually to the mountain top. Other titles for this hexagram are Gradual Development and Developing.
Breaking down the symbolism of the 3-line trigrams helps with understanding the ancient teachings:

When trigram Mountain is below (the bottom 3 lines in image below right), it references the inner realm of the person or situation. Mountain represents a solid, individual reality which stands firm and provides the stillness in which one may meet their authentic self or the authenticity of a situation. Mountain as the inner condition represents the ability to maintain one’s stable core.
Trigram Wind is on top of trigram Mountain as seen in the top 3 lines of the hexagram (image below right). Wind/Wood distributes influences and steers destinies toward their objectives. Here is the image of the tireless, penetrating but gradual process of the guiding influence Wind contributes to the environmental or world experience of a person or within a situation.
The ancient ideograph is on the upper left portion of the image below. The far-left portion of this ideograph is symbolic of Water (as per the trigram placed vertically). The other two images together form the word Jian.

In summary: The description of the gradual development of a tree, which grows from a seed within the ground, illustrates a process unfolding within time. This is about a step-by-step long-term process which grows from the inside outward. One’s essential, authentic being is symbolized by Mountain as the inner trigram and it is from this core the sprout of the beginning pulls itself outward, growing patiently bit by bit. In the external environment it is the influence of Wind which steers you or your situation to align with Heaven’s directives. There is an inherent strength of will and an ability to move around obstacles associated with this hexagram ensuring one not deviate from ones’ own path.
Following are a few ideas for interpretations of each line:
Line 1 – Wild geese at the shoreline guarding their goslings. At the beginning of something new, you do not have enough knowledge or experience. Although advice is offered, it may feel like you are being criticized personally. If you are able to lay aside ego and carefully consider other’s advice, you are in a stronger position for ultimate success. Use your intuition and make sure your personal boundaries are appropriate.
Line 2 – Wild geese approaching a cliff where they eat and drink. You are in a position of security, even though the journey is not finished. Nurture and enjoy moments together, such as sharing meals, and long-lasting bonds are made.
Line 3 – Wild geese on dry land or plateau. Sometimes things are progressing but then start to fall apart. There is something unbalanced within this situation that is dissipating the energy. Now is the time to search it out. Perhaps it is the wrong direction, the wrong person or your own fears that are at the base of it.
Line 4 – Wild geese approaching trees, looking for flat branches. Wild geese’s feet are not well-adapted to sitting on branches, and so they look for ones that are flatter and more suited for the present moment. This is an analogy of the current situation; it may not be the place you wish to be, but it is the safer alternative for you now. Try to find a comfortable position while you take time to look at your life direction and wait for something better.
Line 5 – Wild geese approaching a hill or mountain top. When you have gained some status or measure of success, it can make you a target for the jealousy or aggression of others. Or, it may be that there is some kind of a difficulty or delay, even though you are on a good path. Continue your path with diligence and sincerity and you will attain your goal.
Line 6 – Wild geese approaching the heights in the clouds. You may reach your goal and from there, it is possible to become an example and inspiration for others.