Thunder above – Thunder below
The Chinese name of this hexagram is Zhen which translates to shock, thunder, arousal. Other titles for this hexagram are: Thunder, The Arousing, Arousal. The loud and powerful voice of Thunder startles and sets things in motion and then repeats itself. Zhen is not just about those moments of alarm, but also involves one’s perception of the event and subsequent reaction to those moments. Zhen evokes panic, fear and insecurity, as it was intended to do, because there is something you are meant to do with the resulting energy; something you are to begin or renew, integrate and set on the right path.
Breaking down the symbolism of the 3-line trigrams helps with understanding the ancient teachings:

Trigram Thunder is on top of trigram Thunder. Thunder represents the sound or voice of Heaven and provides access to energy which can be used to carry out the laws of Heaven on earth. Thunder represents beginnings, a wakeup call or renewal. The bottom solid yang lines burst up with extraordinary power, temporarily clearing obstructions and making way for something else for those who are attentive and do not fall back asleep. When trigram Thunder is doubled it shows shock, beginnings, renewals and awakenings are repeated – over and over – because within the cycles of life, things always get stagnant, smug, stale or otherwise in need of renewal.
The ancient ideograph is on the upper left portion of the image below. The top line represents Heaven and below that rain falls from clouds (signified by the vertical line). The lower part meant shock in ancient times but came to signify the arrival of spring when life wakes up and new seeds sprout.

In summary: When the ancients speak of shock bringing success, it is because shock ushers in rejuvenating potential. Something which has become stagnant can been re-energized or something which was stuck can be unstuck. The shock sets things in motion and then there are the aftershock ripples, all of which are unexpected and generating emotion. This wakes us up. Each situation being individual, the lesson of this hexagram offers an opportunity to access and transform the newly released energy into a new direction. If released from stagnation, self-defeating ruts or habits, the results can be “getting a grip”, readjusting, maturity or even mastery.
Following are a few ideas for interpretations of each line:
Line 1 – A shock can wake you up. At first it may seem to be dangerous, but then, in the relief which follows, you may have woken up to something which needs change. Remain calm and use this “re-set” and your newly acquired access to available energy with gratitude; this path can lead to good fortune.
Line 2 – Events may overtake you in shocking ways that feel uncomfortable or even dangerous; things that are yours may be taken away. Do not try to resist. Although your path may be altered by this event, move to a higher perception, confident that what is yours will come back to you.
Line 3 – Unexpected circumstances may shake you up and you may be tempted to cling to what you have, even if it is unfulfilling. Resist this temptation because the big changes you are being called to make will lead you out of stagnation or misfortune.
Line 4 – At times shocking events can immobilize or keep one mired in muddy, unclear thinking. Do not be deterred by others, focus on your own path as you can and wait for the situation to become clearer.
Line 5 – Shocks may be coming which feel frightening, but they are actually opening new pathways. It may be that you or others around you are overreactive, which makes it seem worse. Don’t allow yourself to be diverted and trust in what is unfolding.
Line 6 – When shocks come and do not belong to you, it is easy to get confused or lost in the situation. No matter what others may think or how you may feel pulled in, put yourself some distance from this situation. Take time to center your own thinking, settle your fear, speak with those you trust and then you may come to know the best approach (usually this will be taking a position of non-interference on your part).