Lake above – Fire below
The Chinese name of this hexagram is Ge which originally referred to the hide or skin of an animal. Because of the idea that an animal or reptile skin can be shed, the meaning extended to: innovate, abolish the old, transform. Other titles for this hexagram are: Abolishing the Old, Revolution, Metamorphosis and Reform. The need for change is continuous and often the main changes are ushered in by the seasons via celestial movements. Human affairs do not change with such regularity, which means there are inevitably times of a sudden, powerful need for transformation when situations or things are no longer effective. It is preferrable to learn how to be ready for change by becoming more aware of your environment.
Breaking down the symbolism of the 3-line trigrams helps with understanding the ancient teachings:

When trigram Fire is below (the bottom 3 lines in image below right), it references the inner realm of the person or situation. Internally Fire makes things discernable, organized and clear; it turns dreams into reality. The creative force of Fire can bring humans together in shared visions.
Trigram Lake is on top of trigram Fire as seen in the top 3 lines of the hexagram (below right). Trigram Lake externally means interchange with others, opening up to new influences and persuasions. The visions of Fire from within can either be extinguished by the water of Lake or, through the attributes of Lake, allow for opening up to shared influences and exchanges where people can spur each other on to find better balance and move inspirations into reality.
The ancient ideograph is on the upper left portion of the image below. The three horizontal lines represent 3 sticks and the rest of the ideograph shows an animal skin stretched over it to dry in the sun.

In summary: Fire moves up and Water moves down, showing an inevitable clash or confrontation as they meet. Ge (Revolution) illustrates the clash and how it prompts radical change. The internal Fire (trigram Fire) is granting a new awareness which means the outer reality (Lake, the usual way you interact with others, for example) becomes obsolete. A snake (or other reptile) periodically split and sloughs off their skin, rendering the old one unusable. There is no going back to the damaged old skin once Revolutionary Change has begun. Fire and Lake (water) can cancel each other out, but they are also complementary and thus able to work together for something new if there is willingness to compromise. In human life, these changes are often sudden and nothing familiar remains. Ancient wisdom suggests that, because timing is so important in these types of transformations, living within the flow of nature and her seasons can provide some wisdom on how to more successfully anticipate correct timing.
Following are a few ideas for interpretations of each line:
Line 1 – You are at an early stage, the beginning of a transformation. As the time draws nearer, it is natural to feel a bit trapped and itchy to move, but the moment is not right so hold back on action. The situation is still unfolding and there may be traces of an outworn mentality, such as limiting beliefs, which could cause problems later on if not discarded.
Line 2 – There are questions about timing within this situation. You may have reached the conclusion change is needed and you are anxious to begin the process. The ground must be further prepared, so it is not yet the time for action. Showing this kind of restraint will result in success when the time is right.
Line 3 – During times of change you must find the balance between moving too hastily and not taking action. Interactions with others, gaining support, gathering advice is best when balanced with personal foresight and planning. It may take a few attempts to get things coordinated and underway.
Line 4 – Conditions have been escalating to inevitable change in this situation and the terrain may not be familiar because of it. Although there may be tension or confusion, hold onto trust in your own inner convictions and make sure to communicate clearly with others.
Line 5 – The changes you are thinking of are supported and will find success. Being open with others reassures them while in the midst of such changes.
Line 6 – Change may have been achieved, the revolution is over and now there are smaller details to be worked out. This is a time to guard against being pulled backward by others’ expectations or by demanding a level of perfection that ends up to be self-defeating.