Earth above – Wind below
The Chinese name of this hexagram is Sheng which translates to advance, promote, arise. Some of the titles for this hexagram are: Growing Upward, Ascending, Rising. Sheng was originally a word that specified a measure in reference to grain and then later to other measurements and increments (such as steps/stairs). Thus, Sheng came to mean the act of taking steps to climb or advance. There are also indications that Sheng’s meaning further extended to a desire to participate in situations that are more fulfilling, with deeper meaning and at higher levels. Pushing Upward (Sheng) entails showing courage, approaching “great people”, earning advancement by paying attention to correct timing as well as making the effort to acquire skills or education.
Breaking down the symbolism of the 3-line trigrams helps with understanding the ancient teachings:

When trigram Wind is below (the bottom 3 lines in image below right), it references the inner realm of the person or situation. Trigram Wind carries the influence and conveys the patterns that allow each creature to grow according to their inherited type. Wind is also known as Wood, whose roots penetrate down to define the roots of your inner self or situation. Wood growing from the earth implies a natural, instinctive, patient path upward that is not without effort.
Trigram Earth is on top of trigram Wind, as seen in the top 3 lines of the image (below right). Trigram Earth shows the external reality of this situation in the world, the environment, people, nature and results. The internal influence of Wind is received and nurtured into Earth’s reality step by step by working in accord with appropriate timing.
The ancient ideograph is on the upper left portion of the image below. The upper portion shows the sun rising in the east. The lower portion shows the word “sheng” which was an ancient measurement unit. Overall, signifying progress through the effort of rising up unit by unit or step by step.

In summary: The trigrams of the hexagram image show Wood (Wind) growing from within the Earth, pushing upward. As with the growth of a seedling into a tree, Sheng is a concept of moving steadily, one step at a time, inferring there is time to take note of even small developments in the process of adaption and integration. Pushing Upward is about the natural human drive to grow in your life purpose in a way that provides, not just survival, but self-confidence and satisfaction. The growth comes from within. A good analogy is a plantlet pushing up through the soil (bit by bit, around obstacles) not for acquiring things, but for the true fulfillment found by aligning with the timing of the universe and staying true to its own unique path.
Following are a few ideas for interpretations of each line:
Line 1 – Although you may be a beginner in this situation, you are likely to be welcomed and given support. There can be success if you accept it in the spirit it is proffered, heartfelt and harmonious.
Line 2 – Despite not being experienced enough for this situation or undertaking, you may still carry forward as long as you have the sincerity and willingness to make some thoughtful, reasonable sacrifices along the way. Under these conditions, success is quite possible.
Line 3 – The ancient diviners refer to advancing upward into an “empty city” by which they mean feelings of being let down for various reasons. Perhaps you are not being received by others as you hoped to be or not as far along with goals as planned. In some cases, things may have been much easier than you anticipated and you are left with a kind of emptiness. This new and unknown territory can make for hesitation or self-doubt. Guidance suggests, despite feelings which can undermine you (disappointment, over-confidence, etc.), continue to work realistically to maintain your worthiness through discipline and sincerity.
Line 4 – You may have been aiming toward a specific goal, but not attaining what you hoped for. Or you may be on the receiving end of honor and recognition you did not aspire to or count on. No matter what happens at this juncture, it is better not to be distracted by reactions from your environment. This is a situation which may have long lasting effects on your life, so make sure you have set a proper course according to your personal values, abilities and resources.
Line 5 – Your careful, steady, step by step process is paying off, if you are able to allow it to unfold in its natural timing. This is not the time to get ahead of yourself or begin to push too hard. There is a good chance that your situation will benefit others as well as yourself.
Line 6 – You may be walking blind or in the dark at this time. This means it is important not to rush ahead. It is possible you have reached the limit of this endeavor and pushing too hard will end with exhaustion or failure. Attune yourself to internal values and spiritual guidance, leave behind outmoded beliefs and keep your ethics dedicated in order to protect what you have already gained.