Lake above – Earth below
The Chinese name of this hexagram is Gou (Cui), originally referred to as bundles of grasses because the roots of the grass are intertwined, symbolizing things which are gathered together. Other titles for this hexagram are: Collectedness, Assembling, Clustering. Gou centers on the concept of large assemblies coming together to further the ideals of a leader or the ideals of a group. Within these groups there is purpose as well as the security and comfort found in numbers. As with everything in life, both good and corrupt uses for this type of solidarity exist within collectives of all types.
Breaking down the symbolism of the 3-line trigrams helps with understanding the ancient teachings:

When trigram Earth is below (the bottom 3 lines in image below right), it references the inner realm of the person or situation. Earth is receptive, a place of allowing, where things are nurtured into reality. Therefore, Earth does not have its own agenda (although it does retain the ability to reject that which is not of value). As the inner trigram, Earth signifies an internal urge to adapt to the environment.
Trigram Lake is on top of trigram Earth as seen in the top 3 lines of the hexagram image (below right). Trigram Lake is symbolic of joyful opening up to others, having interactions and exchange. Particularly applicable to this hexagram is the understanding of etiquette Lake brings, such as honoring limits, laws and rules as a prerequisite for the security and success of societal interactions.
The ancient ideograph is on the upper left portion of the image below. The top part of shows an ideograph of 2 bundles of grasses shown as growing all together. The lower portion represents a servant or a soldier. The servant symbolism was seen as a servant sewing, bringing pieces of cloth together to make clothing. The soldier symbolized bringing a multitude together for protection.

In summary: Gathering Together (Gou) requires one lay aside personal needs and individualized identity to become a part of a group. Being internally receptive to others through trigram Earth is put into external action (joining with others) through trigram Lake. In its highest form, Gou is an act of service. In actuality, while service is provided to others, Gou simultaneously provides an opportunity for you to understand and strengthen the core of your own identity. Although bonds with a group highlight your similarities to other group members, your differences also become more apparent, thus revealing and deepening understanding of your own individual authenticity. Through Gou, cultural, societal, tribal and national bonds are created which provide cohesion, strength and security in numbers. There are considerations to be made before joining and while serving within a group: does the group match your values? Does it allow you to remain authentic? Does your presence serve the needs of the group? Does the group require you to give more of yourself than you have to offer?
Following are a few ideas for interpretations of each line:
Line 1 – Although there may be some indecision and confusion within this situation, it is better to go forward, meet with others and make connections. You may need to seek out appropriate assistance at this time to learn who, what or how to follow the group within your current circumstance.
Line 2 – Others may extend an opportunity to join with them (or it could be that you are being called to integrate components within yourself). In this situation, open yourself to connections, sacrificing fear of the unknown for something enriching and the good of the whole.
Line 3 – It may be that efforts on your part to make connections with a group are not working. Feelings of frustration and lack of communication trigger irritation and a desire to quit. There is, however, a chance that by consciously dropping irritation or frustration a path may open for you to find ways to work through the situation and meet with success.
Line 4 – These are auspicious circumstances. As you continue working with sincerity, you are in a position to successfully attract others of like mind.
Line 5 – Although perhaps established within a group or situation and in connection with others, you may feel others lack trust in you. The use of force is rarely a good solution. It is through your continued enthusiasm and sincerity trust may be earned.
Line 6 – Finding and staying within a group is not an easy thing for everyone. There may be tears and frustration when in the company of others on any scale, from intimate to large groups. Expressing your frustration within the group with the intention of sincerely working problems out may help. Also, take time to look within yourself as well to ascertain if you are seeing the entire picture clearly, it may be that you are unknowingly playing a part in creating the conflict.