Lake above – Heaven below
The Chinese name of this hexagram is Guai which means to set apart, certain, committed, resolved. Other titles of this hexagram include: Decisiveness, Eliminating, Resoluteness and Decision. An abundance of strong, yang (solid) lines in this hexagram shows a strength that needs to be tempered. There is also great determination and firmness, if it can be mastered. Guai addresses the balance between remaining resolute vs. keeping open to opportunities for refinement of one’s views. To accomplish this, breakthroughs in thought or belief patterns are often required (eliminating hubris or drama for example). There is no need to discredit or move into contention against someone or something in order to present your own ideas. A calm, clear statement is often enough and then let the rest go.
Breaking down the symbolism of the 3-line trigrams helps with understanding the ancient teachings:

When trigram Heaven is below (the bottom 3 lines in image below right), it references the inner realm of the person or situation. Heaven holds the purity of yang energy and directs all timing and movement within the universe. Heaven moves outward from within the internal realm in this hexagram and thus provides the framework and fortitude to hold to its laws.
Trigram Lake is on top of trigram Heaven as seen in the 3 upper lines in the image below right. Lake, as the external reality, is symbolic of the place to meet others in exchange and interactions. The Water factor of Lake can be emotional. It loosens and opens us up, breaking through barriers.
The ancient ideograph is on the upper left portion of the image below. At the top there are two lines on the horizontal and one line which cuts it in half. This gives the concept of separating. There is a hand on the bottom with an arm showing the idea of moving something apart or away from hesitation, showing authority.

In summary: With such a heavy emphasis of strong yang energy within this hexagram, those energies could easily turn into over-aggression, hostility and the like, with contrition to follow. Excessive emotion toward something only underlines the power it has over you. Removing the excess from these kinds of reactions and turning them into studied, measured, calm action can result in decisiveness. This means mastering the ability to discern what Heaven’s directive and your personal path is moving you toward rather than using reactive force which only detracts from your objectives. Lake gives you the ability to influence others through joy and inclusiveness and Heaven allows for the respect of those who may choose a different path than yours.
Following are a few ideas for interpretations of each line:
Line 1 – You may have run or will run into difficulties within the current situation. At this point it is not enough to have made a decision, more thought and preparation is needed. Restlessness or impatience are not good reasons to bite off more than you can chew.
Line 2 – With much energy pulsing through, it is easy to conjure enemies and adversaries. You may find that you are building defenses and gathering weapons against your own fears. Once you are able to break through these fears, you are in position to get some rest and see reality more clearly.
Line 3 – There are some things you must do alone, such as walking away from things that are unacceptable. This is important, even if it means others do not understand and/or it feels that your dignity has been challenged or possibly shattered.
Line 4 – Situations in your life may have been difficult and things may seem to be closing in, making breakthrough thinking difficult. Although you alone have the ability to lay down your path of hardship and allow the relief of letting others lead, it can only be done when and as you are able to. Do the best you can. It is important not to live with regrets, even if mistakes were made.
Line 5 – Ancient diviners likened the middle road to weeding a garden. Pulling too aggressively leaves a portion of the root underground to regrow or not tackling them firmly enough allows for ongoing weedy proliferation. You are being called to use your judgement and carefully discern where the middle path is.
Line 6 – This is not the time for silence. Breakthrough in some form is needed and you are called to speak up. The caution here is to voice your opinion where you know your values are shared and avoid attracting aggression against yourself when among those whose values may greatly differ.