Wind above – Thunder below
The Chinese name of this hexagram is Yi which translates to grow, overflow, augment, increase. Some titles of this hexagram are: Gain, Augmenting, Enriching. Yi describes a cycle of blessings within life where the universe is supportive of growth and expansion. Wind and Thunder when combined, although both invisible, actually increase their considerable forces as Wind supports, directs and disperses the huge, usable energy of Thunder.
Breaking down the symbolism of the 3-line trigrams helps with understanding the ancient teachings:

When trigram Thunder is below (the bottom 3 lines in image below right), it references the inner realm of the person or situation. Thunder is the sound or voice of Heaven and the impetus behind beginnings and renewals. Thunder provides strength, a shock of useable energy which is readily available during times of Increase.
Trigram Wind is on top of trigram Thunder as seen in the top 3 lines (image below right). While Thunder speaks for Heaven, Wind speaks for Earth. Without Wind’s gentle, relentless guidance and distribution of Heaven’s directive within the reality of Earth, the impetus of Thunder could scatter ineffectively and come to nothing.
The ancient ideograph is on the upper left portion of the image below. The lower portion shows an image of a container while the upper portion’s image is of water pouring into it. This shows the act of increasing.

In summary: During times of increase, the blessings of Heaven are offered and available to be produced on Earth. One may need to learn to slow down and recognize what is being offered. Further, one must be able to receive and honor what is being offered by finding how to utilize it. A gift has no value if it is not received, appreciated and utilized. Yi is not about gathering indiscriminately. Passing by offers and opportunities that do not fit with your values and path as well as passing on excess to others is a sign of strength and sincerity. The quality of increase or gain depends on individual willingness to be involved, to take action and the depth of one’s commitment.
Following are a few ideas for interpretations of each line:
Line 1 – During this time of Increase you have a real opportunity for success and accomplishment.
Line 2 – There are benefits and blessings, a clarity and resonance which may be making you certain that things are happening as they should. It is best not to question or ask why; just accept, allow and do your part by maintaining your integrity.
Line 3 – There will always be times of misfortune or times when desires seems beyond reach. Although this may be a situation you would not prefer for yourself, accept what may come as the type of adversity which transforms and builds you (if you allow it to). Holding to your own sincerity and walking a middle road at this time will bring increase from this situation.
Line 4 – The question of being trustworthy and having others trust you in life is about walking a “middle road”. What is at issue here is fairness in dealing with others, resisting selfishness and letting go of preconceptions in order to serve a higher purpose.
Line 5 – If you are kind-hearted and generous, there is no need to question your path. When good things come to you, it is not necessary to question your worthiness. Accept them and share what you do not need. It is in the accruing of consistent small kindnesses that your heart benefits and good fortune results.
Line 6 – There may be inconsistency and confusion, so check if you are the cause. Are you increasing personally without increasing those around you? Commitment to a middle way requires steadiness of purpose and keeping your heart engaged because ultimately others notice your actions and treat you accordingly.