Mountain above – Lake below
The Chinese name of this hexagram is Sun which translates to: decreasing, cut down to size, lessen, losing. Other titles for this hexagram include: Reduction, Diminishing, Sacrifice. Within this hexagram the concept of decrease means that although something is removed, reduced, sacrificed or lessened, it does not truly equate with loss because this describes decrease as an essential component of increase. The waters of Lake at the foot of Mountain are dispersed (decreased) to feed Mountain and increase its greenery, symbolizing the sacrifice of excess anger, ego or appetites for higher principles.
Breaking down the symbolism of the 3-line trigrams helps with understanding the ancient teachings:

When trigram Lake is below (the bottom 3 lines in image below right), it references the inner realm of the person or situation. Lake, also called Marsh, is associated with interchange, opening up, a joyous relaxing into being with people. As the inside condition or situation, it shows one who is influencing or being influenced by their environment. Because Lake is the element water, it is also associated with feelings or emotions, some of which may not be conscious.
Trigram Mountain is on top of trigram Lake and, as the external environment, is very much about who you are as an individual in the world. Mountain is also a protection and defense against the world. Mountain individualism is a vital component in exchange with others because it helps you stay true to who you are when interacting with others. Individuality and values are personal gifts we are able to utilize within exchange with others.
The ancient ideograph is on the upper left portion of the image below. A 3-part image includes a hand on the left in which something is held, an ancient vessel of the bottom right and an open mouth on top of the vessel. The vessel was said to hold liquid and, when combined with the hand, it shows the liquid being poured out from the open mouth of the vessel. This signifies decreasing.

In summary: Decrease is always linked with Increase because, for example, you cannot fill something that is already full. Mastering the ability to reappraise and take action on what we (or a situation) really needs or wants is the way to create abundance. Pruning back shrubs or trees in order to encourage vibrant foliage is a mundane but effective example of Decrease. Lake, as the impulsive inner aspect, moves up and out into the external reality where there is a need to reduce or diminish the enthusiastic flow. This shows, on a more profound level, a conscious cutting back or decreasing that which is not authentically “you”, enabling the ability to shine as your authentic self. Sacrificing certain preconceived ideas or belief systems makes room for rich, creative new thoughts. The idea of Sun or Decrease is based on trust. This is why the ancients’ offered teachings, wisdom and encouragement at such times because it doesn’t always feel good or safe to give something up because that means having less without knowing what is ahead.
Following are a few ideas for interpretations of each line:
Line 1 – In attending to your own affairs within this time of Decrease, it becomes even more important to weigh out decisions on dispensation of your energies, focus and resources. When giving to others, are you causing hardship within your own situation? Do you need to give up some of your own desires or activities in order to live a healthier or more authentic life? Or are you unwilling to give or are you taking too much? Examine the effects of give and take on others and well as on yourself.
Line 2 – Being true to one’s authentic self, maintaining your dignity is of first and foremost importance. Take this into account, without engaging in a flurry of outer changes or activity. Now may be an opportunity to give to others, but it should be done without decreasing yourself.
Line 3 – The ancient diviners bring an image showing 3 people together which creates excess. This results in disharmony, but the one who leaves the threesome finds companionship elsewhere. The take-away implication includes how dynamics and synergy within social relationships affect the quality of your life as well as the lives of those around you. There may be a need for change at the social level; sometimes others will walk away. If it is you walking away, it is implied that you will find companions elsewhere.
Line 4 – Within each person there are habits, shortcomings, illusions and faults. Some of these may feel good, provide convenient justifications or reasons to garner sympathy. By searching out and decreasing this type of imbalanced behavior you may find a more joyous union within yourself and with others.
Line 5 – Being able to work with the concepts of decrease and to make those sacrifices with sincerity means not only is your life enriched, but you enrich those you come in contact with. Good fortune is imminent at this time.
Line 6 – Arriving at a state where increase and decrease work seamlessly and harmoniously (to the point where neither side seriously unbalances the other) means that give and take are both profitable. You may be in a position to evolve your work to a higher plane in terms of service or it may be that you are serving truth at this time.