Whenever you feel uncomfortable and don’t know what to do, find some place to look at the openness of the sky and experience the freshness, free of hope and fear, just completely open. This open space permeates everything and is available to us every moment of our lives.
Flowers can make you smile, their beauty is delicate, and you cannot alter their nature. Their tenderness arouses feelings of mercy, compassion, and understanding. They are fragile, ephemeral, and uncompromising. Take the time to appreciate their beauty in the midst of temporality.
Give up all concepts, judgements, and desires and your mind will grow naturally compassionate. The more we let go of what we love, the more present our love becomes. The clearer our insight into what is beyond good and evil, the more we can embody the good.
If you want to practice virtue, you first must become virtuous yourself. The practice of virtue is the study of the body, the mind, nature, and life. Practice the worthy qualities about yourself a little each day and work diligently on your bad habits by changing your belief in them.
Quote: The wisdom you need is within you now, listen to your inner self.