How do you want to feel tomorrow, next week, next year? It is up to you how you use your life. It doesn’t mean you are the best at cheering up, or your habitual tendencies don’t get the better of you. Keep reminding yourself that it is your life to live, and every action you do has a result.
Most thinking is tied to some sensory image, we need this way of dualistic thinking to function in the everyday world. In our meditation we need to eliminate this dualistic thinking in order to reach a state of mind that does not cling to external forms, then all labels fall away.
Inner strength is the master of all frivolities. Tranquility is the master of agitated emotions. If you succumb to frivolities and emotions, you lose your inner strength and tranquility. You should cultivate inner strength and tranquility and not be seduced by addictive temptations.
Letting go means forgiveness, forgetting and releasing old grudges. When an individual’s consciousness is not holding such blockages, there is no negativity, tension, defenses or stress because one is free and then there is opportunity to choose a different way.
Quote: When goodness is forgotten people act according to rules, not from the heart.