The discrepancy between your inspiration and the actual situation, vision and reality, can cause you to grow up, to wake up, to be alive and compassionate. This is one of the most productive places you will find in your life.
When we can still the mind, thinking of nothing, worrying about nothing, this action or non-action will bring you stillness and peace. Keep changing your daily practice until the restlessness naturally reverses and stillness is all that remains.
We can know the world, but first we must know ourselves, we can do this without going anywhere. Live a quiet, simple life, free of ideas and concepts, find contentment in the practice of undiscriminating virtue. This will become a sanctuary for yourself and all beings.
The attraction between affinities is a natural law of nature. Through this attraction we can influence hearts and attain peace. People will give up counselling you if you think you know everything, so keep your mind humble and free so it can remain receptive to good advice.
Quote: Your actions and words should match.