Autumn Equinox
Celestial events such equinoxes and solstices can serve to remind us of the vast cycles our smaller life cycles exist within. The turning of the season is a marker which affects everyone, whether it is noticed, celebrated or not. Over millennia the ancients studied the skies. ……….

Summer Solstice
For ancient astrologers there is rich symbolism in the Sun’s yearly journey. Oriented to the Northern Hemisphere, the beginning of each of the four seasons were understood as four “turning points”, each marking a change in life focus. The two solstice points reflect the Sun’s directional change as it rides higher (spring) or lower (autumn) in the sky. ……….

Spring Equinox
The Spring equinox is historically a cause for celebration because it is a time when light “triumphs” over darkness as daylight lasts progressively longer. With the return of the light, the evocative symbolism given to us by ancient astrologers includes the celestial new year finally taking hold when the Sun moves into Aries.. ……….

Closer to the Light
As the Sun rides higher in the sky in the Northern Hemisphere, the days get progressively longer. Throughout this change, we are still within the dark or yin half of the year. ……….

Transition – Moving Toward Light
The yearly journey of the Sun forms the foundational touchstone of ancient astrology. This transitional time represents a continuation of the theme of seasonal alternation between light and darkness in the northern hemisphere. ……….

One of the 4 major turning points in the dark/light seasonal alternations of the solar year, the Winter Solstice has long been a center of celebration. The ancients held it in high importance as the move into “a lightening of the dark within the dark half of the year”. ……….

A brief recap of the ancient astrologers view on the Sun’s yearly journey. Each of the four seasons were further divided into 3 parts. So far we’ve been exploring autumn, which the ancient astrologers referred to as the “dark of the dark”. Starting with the Equinox (the beginning of Libra, an important turning point in the year heralding autumn) there a balance of light/dark with darkness on the rise. ……..

Dark Times
Human understanding of reality has long been based on the interplay between light and dark; the two main polarities. Ancient astrologers utilized Northern seasonal changes as symbolism for this interplay, based on the path of the Sun through the year. …………

Ancient voices re-entered Western astrology after hundreds of years during which they lay mute; untranslated from the original Greek language. The recently translated teachings set the Western astrological world on fire. They are stunningly eloquent …………