A Noble and a Traveler
From some other time, from other race
I’ve stopped for a visit, from some other place
All those left behind me, but I bring yet a trace
I’ll stay ‘til I’m tired and learn what I must
The move on with joy to my home in space
My clothes are my body, it will fall off in dust
For it’s only borrowed, a product of lust
Genetics of my parents, my soul, my own
I owe them so greatly for their selfless loan
It serves for the moment, and offers a ride
To view my creation, I produced from inside
I’ve passed through the curtain to appear once again
On the stage of the theatre with all of my friends
I’ll learn from them and they’ll learn from me
Interchanging our roles to grow eternally
I’ll wash out my vices, my lusts and my sin
And learn from the voice of my master within
He hears all my wishes, provides all my needs
He gives me the answers and governs my deeds
I’ve been here many times, each time playing the role
I most needed then for perfecting my soul
Until finally perfect, no need to return
No problems to solve, no lessons to learn
And then I can rest, my journey complete
Perfected and purified in my creators’ seat
I chose this experience and I wrote the play
I chose the actors I perform with today
It has been what I’ve made it, none other to blame
I’m a noble traveler, in life’s wonderful game.