The concept of problems and solutions can keep us stuck thinking there is a right way and a wrong way. We need a more open-ended approach; it is more about keeping your heart and mind open, having loving-kindness for yourself to be open to whatever arises without hope of fruition.
We crave entertainment; events do not even have to be actual. True reality lies in withdrawing from the swirling variations of the outside world. Look within and slowly peel away the layers of subjectivity and you will enter into a silence that feels perfect and whole.
Hope and fear are both phantoms that arise from thinking about yourself. When we don’t see the self as self what do we have to fear? See the world as yourself, treat the world as yourself, love the world as yourself, have faith in the way things are, then you can care for all things.
Talents and abilities are gifts that you possess that have a higher purpose behind them, but they only gain value by what they are used for. The integrity of your gifts will lose their power if you boast about them or become distracted by comparing them to others.
Quote: Act without any expectations.