Negative shame is accompanied by guilt and self-denigration, it is pointless and no help to us, in fact it will cause us harm. Positive shame is when we have harmed ourselves or anyone else, and feel sorry for having done so; this allows us to grow from our mistakes.
Use the cycles of life to establish a measure for your life and then arrange your plans to the units you have chosen. This way you will always be able to track your own progress in both your short- and long-term goals. Remember in all cycles after the zenith there must be a decline.
If you have a benevolent heart, you will nourish your community without trying to. Be simple and generous, do work you enjoy, don’t try to control, don’t compare, don’t compete, be content with just being who you are. This way you will be in harmony with all others.
If you are too firm in character, you will have difficulty dealing with others. If not firm enough, you will have difficulty dealing with the course of life. Do not be concerned whether your plans will fail or succeed, just proceed with life gradually and steadily.
Quote: Nothingness is the truth underlying all things.