Emotional turmoil begins with an initial perception of a sight, sound, or thought, which leads to a feeling of discomfort. When you feel that initial tug, remain steady, relax into the energy you feel, stay with the experience, let the energy move through you without getting stuck.
There are three things we need from life: sound health, a way through the bewilderment of life, and liberation from all our fears. Following the ancient teachings, you will find a source of sustenance that, once you taste it, doubts will begin to fade and life will be easier.
We live by rules and a way of living that has been given to us by our parents and institutions. We have the power to transcend these entrapments for an alternate way of life. We can live in a world of love, respect, and beauty by just giving up our addictions taught to us by others.
Before abandoning your work to help others, weigh the matter carefully. When helping others you must be careful and not to deplete your own resources. Helping others is the best way to learn to give and receive, in this way you invariably help yourself.
Quote: It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.