Letting go of your security and just being in the moment may seem uncomfortable and frightening, but it gives you a chance to see the world as it is. Be inquisitive about the unknown and the unanswerable question of what comes next because this awakens your own wisdom mind.
Free yourself from the thought that spirituality is something special, just for special people like sages and yogis, and not for us normal folks. The ultimate levels of understanding are available to all, all we must do is reach out for it. If we are seekers we shall find.
Do not become obsessed with circumstances or forgo awareness of them. Avoid following impulses that destroy the wholeness of your mind. If you wish to gain recognition, develop your virtue and extend it to the world, practice unswerving kindness and unending patience.
If contention is not resolved properly it could lead to the use of force. Using force is evil and should be approached with the utmost caution. There are only two kinds of force that can be justified, overthrowing a tyrant and protecting a country from invasion.
Quote: Action is creative. Thought, word, and deed are the three levels of creation.