Others will show you where you are stuck, they say or do something and you automatically react in your familiar ways of shutting down or getting worked up. This gives you a chance to see your patterns and work with them while being honest and compassionate with yourself.
We should, through introspection, search out what we are lacking and then work on fulfilling it. Once we identify and complete some part of ourselves, we should move on to the next thing we lack, until finally we feel complete and can then serve our aspirations in life.
Practice the four cardinal virtues. First, reverence for all life; love and respect all beings and things. Second, sincerity; this manifests as honesty and simplicity. Third, kindness; being gentle with yourself and others. The fourth, service to others with no expectation of reward.
Remember everyday of our lives is part of a continuum of change and development. When responding to change do not respond to isolated events but respond to the whole process. Find innovative and new ways to respond to changes avoid your old habitual ways.
Quote: If you are going to do something, do it really well.