To be fearless is not really to overcome fear, it’s to come to know its nature. To do this, develop compassion for yourself and others and not always wanting things to work out on your own terms, just be curious. Relax, befriend your feelings, then you begin to understand.
The affairs of the world and our involvement in them are hard to brush away or equally hard to hold on to. If you want tranquility and peace practice, withdraw from them for short periods of time and you will find stillness and happiness in those times.
To eliminate the vexation of the mind, it is a matter of not-doing. Simply avoid becoming attached to what you see and think. Relinquish the notion that you are separate from the mind of the universe. This way you can recover your pure insight and see through all illusions.
During an extremely difficult situation, hide your brilliance, bide your time and be patient. Realize the difficulty and hardship, remain steadfast and upright. Refuse to take actions that you know and feel are unrighteous, by doing this you can overcome the greatest difficulties.
Quote: The still mind is capable of the most supreme states of existence.