Compassionate action, being there for others, being able to act and speak in a way that communicates starts with seeing ourselves, when we start to make ourselves right or wrong. At that point, just contemplate that there is a larger alternative and something will permanently shift in us.
Don’t be so anxious as to try to come up with an immediate answer to daily problems. There may be many answers to each problem that comes your way throughout the day, with none of them entirely correct, but just asking the question is already enough.
The wise know they are not knowledgeable; because they do not perceive only through their perceptions, they do not judge this is right or this is wrong. They do not delight in boasting, they do not announce their superiority, they never compete, so no one can compete with them.
In society conflicts are unavoidable, sometimes you have to give up your own interests and ideas to chime in with others, but continue to do what you intuitively know is right. However, you must adapt to the demands of the time rather than wear yourself out resisting.
Quote: One thing I know for sure is that I know nothing. Socrates