When you have thoughts and feelings of unworthiness use your intelligence, courage and humor to turn the tide. Ask yourself, “Do I want to strengthen what I am feeling right now?” Remind yourself that your fundamental nature is unconditionally open and free.
Maybe meaning in life is somewhat arbitrary. Does meaning in our lives come from what we do every day, our relationships, our job? So, which comes first? Does meaning come from our definition of it, or do our circumstances determine our meaning?
We cannot keep a past moment, the present moment cannot be held, the moment of the future cannot be caught. We are possessed by ideas of the past, preoccupied with images of the future, but we overlook the plain truth of the present moment.
Nourishing yourself is not a matter of the food you eat, it is a matter benevolence, justice and enlightened qualities. The way to fill oneself with the qualities of benevolence, justice and to taste enlightenment is all about seeking them by oneself, not relying on others.
Quote: Months and years, and all periods of time are concepts of man, who gauge everything by number; but the true meaning of eternity is today.