We cultivate a sense of trying to make things better because something is bad here, something is a mistake here, there is a problem to solve. Our habitual tendency is to struggle with what is happening to us. This is dualistic thinking because everything is workable in some way.
Determine a pattern for your life, this pattern should be simple and consistent. Accept what comes to you, and that which does not come to you should be of no concern of yours. Do not do things that are not natural to do, simply be content with who you are.
Being natural is desiring without craving and acting without excess. Not defending or nourishing your false self, you will find that greed, hatred and arrogance vanish by themselves. Toughening your resolve will create self reliance and you will lose the sense of self and other.
True joy comes from within, but we are tempted by diversions that come streaming in from without. Build your inner stability and strength, then amusements and outside indulgences will not be tempting. Do not depend on external influences to control your life.
Quote: Don’t be satisfied with stories about how things have gone with others. Unfold your own myth.