Stop struggling, it’s not about winning or losing, but about ceasing to struggle with life and relax as it is. That is what we are doing in our self-cultivation practice; it’s about relaxing without struggling, just be. Let this attitude spread to the rest of your life.
We may feel we are more fortunate than others, but don’t we have the same layers of misfortune, confusion, and selfishness to dissolve? The light of our soul is bright, but dense clouds of our ignorance obscure it. What are you doing to make your life brighter?
In ancient times, various holistic sciences were developed to connect the individual mind with the universal mind to enable their own evolution and that of others. If you seek out and study these teachings, it furthers the evolution of mankind as well as your own spiritual unfolding.
All things change, prosperity is followed by decline. Evil can be checked but not permanently abolished, it always returns. This idea might produce melancholy, but should not, it ought only to keep us from falling into the illusion that when good fortune comes to us it will not last.
Quote: The whole state of your health has a lot to do with your state of mind and your way of being.