Letting go of your security and just being in the moment may seem uncomfortable and frightening, but it gives you a chance to see the world as it is. Be inquisitive about the unknown and the unanswerable question of what comes next, because this awakens your own wisdom mind.
Look within, beyond the physical body, you have the faculties to do so. Focus your mind away from sensual input and you will discover a new mode of perception. Searching in this way, you will begin to understand and all your doubts will cease.
Practice the four cardinal virtues. First, reverence for all life; love and respect all beings and things. Second, sincerity; this manifests as honesty and simplicity. Third, kindness; being gentle with yourself and others. The fourth, service to others with no expectation of reward.
If we wish to know what a person is like we need only to observe on whom he bestows his care and what side of his own nature he cultivates and nourishes. If we want to take care of all things, cultivate and nourish the good parts of your character and everything will be taken care of.
Quote: Believe nothing, no matter where you heard it or who said it, even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense. —The Buddha