As long as we run away from discomfort we are going to get caught in a cycle of unhappiness and disappointment. Instead, ask yourself can I touch the center of my pain? Can I sit with suffering, yours and mine, without trying to make it go away and let it open my heart?
We wonder if everything trends towards disorder. For this to be true we would have to have order in the first place. Accept the fact that there is always uncertainty and work with that. When you incorporate uncertainty into your life is when you will feel the most human.
Embracing a simple, honest and virtuous way of life returns you to the subtle essence of life. If your practice of these truths is only partial, your transformation is only partial as well. Adapt these universal truths as a way of life and you will become whole.
Strive to be inwardly strong, not outwardly aggressive. Though there may be danger in your environment, there will be no danger in your heart. In this way, one may transmute the temperament and not remain in the clamor of the realm of right and wrong.
Quote: For the things we have to learn, before we can do them, we learn by doing them. Aristotle