Life keeps coming just like waves on the ocean, they just keep coming, some knock you down but just keep getting back up and keep walking. After a while you will notice the waves appear to be getting smaller, the key is to keep getting back up. If you don’t, you will drown.
Both imagination and dreams are similar activities. In dreams there is no rationality or consciousness, so there is little or no direction possible. Imagination is a tool we can use to make our lives different and creative. By working with it, we can achieve things “we never dreamed possible”.
Practice the four cardinal virtues. First, reverence for all life; love and respect all beings and things. Second, sincerity; this manifests as honesty and simplicity. Third, kindness; being gentle with yourself and others. The fourth, service to others with no expectation of reward.
During an extremely difficult situation, hide your brilliance, bide your time and be patient. Realize the difficulty and hardship, remain steadfast and upright. Refuse to take actions that you know and feel are unrighteous, by doing this you can overcome the greatest difficulties.
Quote: If you want to understand what is really yours, let go of everything, and yours will stay with you. Eckhart Tolle.