Hope and fear is a feeling with two sides; as long as there is one, there is always the other. Hope and fear come as a sense that we lack something and we are unable to sit, relax and be ourselves. We hold on to hope and hope robs us of the present moment.
Accept what comes your way without doubt and without fear of it. Trust your inner knowing, this knowing will never betray you, such trust will dissolve all fear and regret. This trust and knowing is all you need to resolve all inner and outer conflicts you may have.
These ancient words are not the medicine, only the prescription; not the destination, but a map to help you reach it. Seeing it with your own eyes, hearing it with your own ears is the only way to the destination. When you get there your mind will be quiet and still.
All things change, prosperity is followed by decline; evil can be checked but not permanently abolished, it always returns. This idea might produce melancholy, but should not, it ought only to keep us from falling into the illusion that when good fortune comes to us it will not last.
Quote: You have within you more love than you could ever understand. Rumi