We need to let things go and let some air into the basement of the stale old heart we have. By doing this we will realize the fundamental limitless wealth we possess. Share all this wealth, and even the small everyday things you have, with others; don’t be stingy and keep it all to yourself.
With the emergence of great possibilities comes the need for responsibility. If you diverge from your life path to explore new vistas, remember how far you are going and remember to return at the proper times. Remember only you can decide how to arrange your life.
If you are a pattern to the world, this will create an inner strength in you and there will be nothing you can’t do. To become a pattern to the world, accept the world as it is, return to the innocence of childhood and become receptive to all that comes your way like a newborn.
If we are to lead others we first must learn to serve. We must remain accessible and responsive to the views of those we lead. At the same time, we must have firm principles so that we do not vacillate when there is only a question of current opinion.
Quote: The quieter you become the more you are able to hear. Rumi