Emotional turmoil begins with an initial perception of a sight, sound or thought which leads to a feeling of discomfort. When you feel that initial tug, remain steady, relax into the energy you feel, stay with the experience, let the energy move through you without getting stuck.
We crave entertainment; events do not even have to be actual. True reality lies in withdrawing from the swirling variations of the outside world. Look within and slowly peel away the layers of subjectivity, then our minds will cease their habits of creating stimulating realities.
Shining the light on yourself will never boost your eminence. Being self-righteous precludes you from being right. Parading yourself parodies leadership. Boasting about yourself will never boost your eminence. Avoid the cultivation of these ego-bloated voids.
If you wish to influence others, first start by cultivating your own personality. This practice must be allowed to take its course, being hasty would not be wise. Gentleness that is adaptable, but at the same time penetrating, is the outer form that should proceed from inner calm.
Quote: When we heal, we are engaged in recovering our lost parts of self, not trying to change or “better” them.