When you fear something, you become unnerved and usually do what it tells you to do. Listen to it, even respect it, even be convinced of it, but if you don’t do what it tells you to do it has no power over you and, in this way, you defeat what you are fearful of.
Worry is a problem that seems to be rampant. It is a cancer of the emotions, concern gone compulsive. Compassion, even in the in the face of overwhelming odds, is the way to rid ourselves of worry. Taking care of yourself and doing good for those you meet is enough.
Let go of all concepts, judgements and desires and your mind will grow naturally compassionate, this way you can find the central truths in the art of living. When we learn to let go, the clearer our insight into what is beyond good and evil becomes.
In difficult times people need to work together to overcome the difficulties. If they have differences, seek common ground on major issues while reserving their differences on minor ones. If people deal with others in a spirit of equality, then peace and progress is possible.
Quote: You master nature not by conquering it but by becoming it.