This very moment is the perfect teacher, it is always with us, it is the most profound instruction we can receive. Awareness is found in our pleasure and our pain, our confusion and our wisdom; it is available in each moment of our ordinary lives.
Our lives are a tapestry woven of both mistakes and success. Success only comes from the threat of failure. Without that pressure we would not plan, utilize wisdom or exercise care. We must make our decisions as best we can and as we mature, we will be able to see our way better.
To save the world, develop an awareness of the subtle truths, calm your mind, follow the ancient teachings, merge your virtue with the universal virtue and extend it to the world without expectations of reward. This way you will be in harmony with the universe.
In teaching others everything depends on consistency for it is through repetition the pupil can make the material his own. In teaching you should just guide the student and by experiencing the teachings the student will come to understand the essence of the teachings.
Quote: When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.