The continual search for pleasure or security, searching for a more comfortable situation at the domestic or spiritual level, are some of the things that keep us unhappy. We will never have it all together, there is only this moment to live. If you live in the moment, you will find the joy you are seeking.
Each day is a measure of where we are in our lives, today may be an anniversary or a milestone being achieved. It is good to look forward to passing milestones as a way of encouraging ourselves and measuring our progress and to reflect on our path.
To interfere with nature is to try to seek control, this causes distress and produces exhaustion. Let things come and go effortlessly without desire. If you never expect results, you never will be disappointed. If you are never disappointed, your spirit never grows old.
The ancients taught being humble was one of the highest virtues. Being humble is not about holding yourself back. Instead, acting positively by doing things with others cooperatively and harmoniously. Respect and treat everybody equally, this is true equality.
Quote: The way to get out of the box is to no longer believe in the box.