When you have thoughts and feelings of unworthiness use your intelligence, courage and humor to turn the tide. Ask yourself, “Do I want to strengthen what I am feeling right now?” Remind yourself that your fundamental nature is unconditionally open and free.
When you begin self-cultivation, make up your mind to go the distance. Commit yourself fully to it and have the perseverance and discipline to stick to it, even when times are difficult. Commitment and discipline are two of the most precious words to live a rich full life.
We can know the world, but first we must know ourselves, we can do this without going anywhere. Live a quiet, simple life, free of ideas and concepts, find contentment in the practice of undiscriminating virtue. This will become a sanctuary for yourself and all beings.
Do not anticipate the future or dwell on your past actions but look at what you’re planning to do and what you accomplished and ask yourself, “Is what I did good for humanity?” or “Is what I am planning good for humanity?” Stick to the truth and let all things take their natural course.
Quote: Compassion is what connects all things.