There are three characteristics of human existence: impermanence, ego-lessness and dissatisfaction. Recognize these qualities to be real and true and you will be able to relax with things as they are. These three characteristics are the facts of life, there is no cure, so stop struggling against the nature of reality.
Some say the path to realization is akin to climbing a mountain. If all we do is look at the mountain and talk about the way up without taking the first step, we will never know the untold joy that climbing the mountain can bring us. Even the climb itself will bring us immense satisfaction.
Intellectual knowledge exists in and of the brain, which is part of the physical body. However, insight is a function of the spirit that never goes away, you can always cultivate it. Refined over time insight becomes pure constant and unwavering.
If we are to lead others, we first must learn to serve. We must remain accessible and responsive to the views of those we lead. At the same time, we must have firm principles so that we do not vacillate when there is only a question of current opinion.
Quote: Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up. Thomas Edison