Fundamental richness is available in each moment, all you have to do is relax. Relax when the phone rings, relax looking at the clouds in the sky, relax all the time. A focused relaxation practice enables us to see the simplicity in the way things are, just be there directly.
It is quite common for people that have a spiritual experience to want to go out and talk about their experiences. This social interaction will only cause contradictions with your spirituality. We must simply just enjoy the experience of our awakening.
Does one thing appeal to you more than another? If so, then your mind is separated. Keep your mind free of divisions and distinctions. When your mind is detached, simple and quiet, then all things exist in harmony. This way you begin to perceive the subtle truth.
In an unstable situation if you are humble and gentle you are able to gain peoples support and their trust. The ancients believed that humility and gentleness were the basic moral qualities that you should possess, but they do not equate with inferiority or weakness.
Quote: It may seem insignificant what we do, but it is very important that we do it. Gandhi