The practices of loving kindness, compassion and equanimity offer no promise of a happy ending. These practices are not about avoiding uncertainty and fear, but how we relate to discomfort. They teach us how to practice with everyday difficulties, and with our emotions.
When you relax completely there is total silence. Sit down each day for a short time and empty yourself, you will experience and a deep satisfying sense of peace. If you can return to this relaxed state on a regular basis all thoughts, troubles and problems become relaxed as well.
The truth is always right there before you and what you need is always right in front of you, all you need to do is open your mind and heart and look. You can do this by being present in this moment, accepting that you don’t know, then the truth will become clear.
If you are faced with a superior foe, it would be hopeless to fight him. An orderly retreat is the correct procedure and looking for small ways to minimize the effect. It is by no means a sign of strength or courage to engage in a hopeless struggle, regardless of circumstances.
Quote: The great use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it.